Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Look out below!!!!!!!!!!

Almost time to get off work and I am about ready to run down the hall and chase my shadow into the mens room. Yeeesh.. should have called for backup a while ago. Now looking at a 13 minute window til closing.

Anyone out there love books? I love to collect books! I don't get everything read, but I always take some time to scan and skim them and get an inkling of whether it will be a prized possession in my library. I seldom read fiction. When I do, it is usually Louis Lamour. Love those westerns!

But I collect his paperback westerns. Other than, then I go after such a wide variety.. geography, history, elephants, cats, public speaking, books of quotes and collections of quotes- and there are lots & lots of them! I have some really good ones!

I'm into fitness, too- but I'm not fit. Not yet. But I will be. And I will be awesome.

Anyway, I also collect bibles of differing translations, and a few religious books, books on woods, trees, and forests and I collect samples of wood, from different trees! I fancy myself a woodcarver! Woodcarving is the art of my choice.. although I DO some excellent photography with disposable cameras!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Magic Carpet Ride

It is all a matter of space-time continuum, contingent on nothing but the place where you put your attitude. You either wear it well, or you don't. You either have one that is positive, productive, cheerful and even encouraging- or you don't. Life is probably all about opposites. Things which oppose one another, which rebel against each other, sometimes attract each other like a nail to a huge iron magnet. One day my attitude is really alright and right-on - or it is in the wrong place all-over-the-place. One day you are up and the next day, you're down. One day on the roller-coaster's hill- and the next day, in it's valley.

What is it with us humans that we are so ruled by our feelings, by our out-of-control emotions? Sometimes there is even that wierd place, that strange gray area in-between, where it is a strange mixture of logic and feelings?

Who is there who is ruling their own lives through reason and logic- and not their feelings? Your feelings can do a lot of damage to your life if they are not controlled and disciplined.. just think of all the motivational and self-help material out there to buy.. to help us to motivate or to improve our minds, our lives.. to give us the fire and the drive to get our innerselves fired up to a passion which provides the physical momentum to get us into action and making things move, and move forward, onward, upward..

The one thing most of them will tell you is that its up to you! That motivational stuff, the whole "positive-attitude-ball-of-wax".. it doesn't work if you do not do something.. Everything is about our commitment.. our "yes-I'm-going-to-do-this-thing".. our inner drive, our passion.. it's either sufficient or you never get your rear-end moving, you never get your butt out of its pillows and cushions and comfort zones where everything feels safe, secure and comfortable. What happens is completely up to you and I.

I will either become an accomplished writer and a public speaker.. or somebody else is going to be pushing me around the rest of my life, pushing my buttons, getting me to work to make somebody else rich.

Who is in charge of my life, my attitude, my feelings.. my reasoning abilities.. can just absolutely anyone or anybody or any thing make me mad.. make me rebel.. make me give up control of my life to them?? Give up control of my thinking..

Now, today is now. It's not tomorrow, life is not about yesterday, life is not about "is it all about me?" Life is about my choices right now with each moment, is about the ability or the inability to discipline my mind.. Is God in control or not? Nope, there is not "intelligence" in the Bat-cave tonight. Spiderman cannot come out to play tonight.

Being a servant is good, surrender to His will, His purpose.. this is good. But He never said to be less than an "individualist".